

happiness is a butterfly的相關標籤

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One Song a Day - On the Grass, by the Stream / 青草地溪水旁. Song link at the bottom. • From my first album, I borrowed a few things: a guitar riff from Paul Simon, a phrase from some ancient hymn (though I am non religious by all means). Asking small big questions like half empty or half full, how to be happy etc., was all but a process. When I wrote this, the only thing I was thinking was, I just wanted some peace of mind. • On the Grass, By the Stream (Chet Lam) • On the grass By the stream Lie down, feel the pulse Breathe in Let the butterfly stop at your nose • Walk among the crowds on the streets Try to take a picture and look carefully See if you can find anyone like you • If you can sleep whenever you are tired You can jump and yell without getting scolded You eat happiness Can you be satisfied? There’s a teacup to warm your hands Take a sip Is it half empty or half full? You can debate with yourself until dawn • If you have to lower your standard to survive Will you keep adjusting yourself Or will you hold on to your value If you are so incredibly fortunate That all your efforts have gone to waste And you get caught in the pouring rain Maybe you can learn to enjoy the cleansing Enjoy the joy of being with yourself peacefully • 輕輕地問一些大問題:半滿還是半空,什麼是快樂,快樂能否填飽肚子... 有時候答案並不如問題本身重要,思考過程才是重點;寫這首歌的時候,我卻並沒有想太多;「青草地溪水旁」六個字源自聖詩,但我並沒有宗教信仰,而最初寫這首歌,其實是給艾粒廣播劇用的,我想,這兩個鬼怪的歡笑背後,是否有另一面呢? • 青草地 溪水旁 (曲詞:林一峰) • 青草地 溪水旁 躺下來 脈搏聲 吸口氣 蝴蝶撲鼻上 街中盪 很多人 拍下來 逐格數 可找到誰共我一樣 • 如果倦了可以睡覺 亂叫不用捱鬧 啖著幸福可夠飽 茶杯暖暖手渴下去 半滿抑或半空 就是想到天亮亦有爭拗 • 如果必需將價就貨 你會不斷迎合 或是堅守到底 難得幾多心血白費 還遇上傾盆大雨 你要懂得享受 暴雨的洗禮 享受自在獨處的可貴 • #一日一首林一歌 #林一峰 #chetlam #青草地溪水旁 • https://music.apple.com/us/album/%E9%9D%92%E8%8D%89%E5%9C%B0-%E6%BA%AA%E6%B0%B4%E6%97%81-%E8%87%AA%E6%B8%B8-version/570433231?i=570433246

One Song a Day - On the Grass, by the Stream / 青草地...